We're sponsoring #SewingAdventures2024
Summer is always an odd time of year, don't you find? You spend all year looking forward to it and then all of a sudden it's over in a flash. Then when you have children, the converse is true and those last few weeks just draaaaaaaag.
Or is it just me!?
Anyway. When Steph @fabric.lady.steph got in touch with me to stay she was running a challenge with Kate @in_a_haystack all about stitching adventures I was intrigued. It sounded like a great opportunity. But also I loved the breadth of this challenge - "adventure" can be as big or as small as you want it to be - and summer is the ideal time for it.
The challenge will run between 31st July and 14th September, so there's lots of time to get involved.
What do you need to do??
Entrants can post an image of themselves or someone they have sewn for, wearing a me-made, upcycled or repaired item and tell us about their adventure. You will need to use the hashtag #StitchingAdventures2024 and also tag in the hosts @fabric.lady.steph and @in_a_haystack
There is a £25 Bornella Fabrics voucher up for grabs for one lucky winner, along with a host of other prizes.
"Adventure" can be whatever that means to you: it might be wearing something on a trip somewhere; it might be trying something new to you (a new cafe, different route to work, a new recipe for dinner); perhaps it's being adventurous in your sewing like trying a pattern/fabric combination, or styling it in way that's different to you. It's all about curiosity of spirit.
As I'm just back from an adventure myself I'll start with a little photo of me. This was me at the Colosseum in Rome last week. We had a family holiday to Italy and wanted to spark the kids imaginations - it's all well and good reading about Romans in a book but you need to see it. It was HOT (we're talking 35c+) so I wore the airy Anthea Blouse by Anna Allen in fruity cotton and my lander shorts by True Bias in rust colour linen. It was ideal for sightseeing and quite honestly is ideal if you're not!
Happy sewing and good luck!
Tanya xx